Top priority: You should become even more successful as we boost your performance in an intelligent, sustainable way.

Dr. Sandrina Meldau

The questions you bring to the table form the starting point for the work we do together. The targets that we jointly define as a result will form our brief.

Building on this, we will work together to develop viable solutions. These ways and means respect the past, are in keeping with the situation as it is now, and also allow for the challenges that the future will bring.

The way we work is broad-based and includes concepts and methods from the realms of business management and psychology; these are complemented by tools from systemic consultancy practice and market research.

Our knowledge and abilities are "state of the art". We are continuously developing our expertise further through a wide range of advanced training programmes.

My professional experience in management, consultancy and coaching

  • Owner of organisational consultancy company Performance!intelligent (since 2014)
  • Member of the Executive Board, Swiss Life Intellectual Property Management AG
  • Head of Corporate Brand & Marketing Management, Swiss Life Group (2010-2013)
  • Head of Service & Quality, Credit Suisse AG (2008-2010)
  • Head of Research and Development Department, DemoScope Research & Marketing AG (2006-2008)
  • AKAD examination expert for Swiss state-recognised preliminary examinations (2006-2010)
  • Corporate consultant/research assistant for Prof. Dr. Manfred Bruhn, Chair of Corporate Management and Marketing at the Centre for Economics and Business Studies (WWZ) at the University of Basel (2001-2006)

My training 

  • Systemic coach, Institute for Systemic Impulses, Zurich, Switzerland (recognised by the European Coaching Association, ECA)
  • Doctorate under Prof. Dr. Manfred Bruhn, Centre for Economics and Business Studies (WWZ) at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Graduated "magna cum laude"
  • Degree in business administration, specialising in: corporate management/organisation, marketing/communication, mathematics, psychology and sociology at the University of Augsburg, Germany
  • Graduated from American High School, Henry Ford II High School, Michigan, USA

My further training (selection)

  • Further training as a coach/organisational consultant (BSO) at the Institute for Systemic Impulses, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Continuous further training in the fields of organisational consultancy, team development and coaching in the form of seminars, specialist coaching, supervisions and work groups.


  • BSO Berufsverband für Coaching, Supervision und Organisationsberatung (Swiss Professional Association for Coaching, Supervision and Organisational Consultancy)
  • ECA European Coaching Association
  • Forum für Organisationsentwickler Schweiz (Swiss Forum for Organisational Developers)
  • Wirtschaftsfrauen Schweiz (Swiss Businesswomen)

Strong management

  • Supporting managers during their first 100 days in a new job
  • Sparring partner for a CEO in the medical technology field
  • Supporting managers in an outplacement process or during a career change
  • Supporting a managing director during the process of contractual negotiations with Turkish and Arabian business partners
  • Job interview training and assessment centre for managers from different sectors
  • Tailored management development programme for talented staff for a telecommunications supplier

Efficient teams

  • A variety of kick-offs for teams changing manager or incorporating new team members for companies from the financial sector
  • Optimising collaboration in diversity teams in the pharmaceuticals sector
  • Team development processes in various operational context
  • Supporting the management team of a bank with its strategy implementation process in the financial crisis
  • Team coaching for a marketing communication team
  • Moderating a strategy workshop at a non-profit organisation
  • Mediation in a team conflict in a section of a large bank
  • Delivering a workshop on time management for the Executive Board of an SME
  • Workshop on marketing communication strategy for the Executive Board of an SME

Successful companies

  • Supporting and advising an international discounter on its entry into the Swiss market
  • Developing and building on a vision to produce a communication strategy for the new decade, implementation support for a large bank
  • Developing and introducing a service quality and complaints management system for a bank
  • Identifying market potentials and gaps in the product range for an insurance company
  • Introducing a customer management system covering all customer contact points for a service company
  • Optimising ranges and processes in the supply chain for a retail company
  • Analysing the consultancy process for a health insurance provider and supporting its optimisation
  • Long-term strategic consultancy project with a Swiss IT company
  • Developing and implementing a Europe-wide benchmarking system for an internet auction house and, based on that, optimising CI/CD, the website, producing a marketing plan and marketing
  • mix for different customer groups
  • Consultancy on the merging of a city with a neighbouring district in central Switzerland based on market research data
  • Checking the organisational structures, processes and cultures and preparing measures for further organisational development for the subsidiary of a telecommunication company
  • Employee survey and working out measures for further organisational development with the Executive Board and management team for a company from the energy sector
  • Selecta Group (2014): Introduction of a Successful Social Media Concept
  • Gaydoul Group (2013): Identifikation von Erfolgstreibern für Luxusgüter
  • University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Business (2012): Challenges of Consumer Research in the 21st Century
  • Uni Credit Group (2010): Steigerung der Profitabilität durch Erfolgskettensteuerung
  • Lichtensteinische Landesbank (2010): Optimierung des Marketingbudgeteinsatzes mit Hilfe zentraler Stellhebel
  • Adler & Co. Privatbank AG (2010): Analysis of Core Customer Relations
  • Promontory Financial Group/Working Group of US-Congress, Washington USA (2010): Enhancing Bank Profitability through Advanced Analysis of Customer Dynamics
  • 6th International Business Excellence Conference Hawaii, USA (2006): Optimizing the Profit Chain in a Network Environment – looking at a Swiss Airport
  • 14th Frontiers in Service Conference Arizona, USA (2005): Measuring Service Quality in a Network Environment
  • Meldau, S. (2016): NZZ-Executive Interview - 33 Fragen an Sandrina Meldau, in: NZZ vom 11.12.2016, Rubrik: NZZ-Executive, S. 1 und 3.
  • Meldau, S. (2016): Make or break? Die entscheidenden 100 Tage, in: Tages-Anzeiger vom 12.11.2016, S. 16.
  • Meldau, S. (2016): Erfolgreiche Gehaltsverhandlungen, in: Luzerner Zeitung vom 18.03.2016, S. 17.
  • Bruhn, M./Batt, V./Hadwich, K./Meldau, S. (2010): Messung der Qualität in Dienstleistungscentern am Beispiel eines Flughafens, in: ZfB – Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 80. Jg., Nr. 4, S. 351-382.
  • Meldau, S./Marfurt, C. (2007): Mystery Untersuchungen – Marktforschung undercover! in: Schallberger, P. (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Markt- und Sozialforschung, Hergiswil, S. 32-34.
  • Meldau, S. (2007): Mystery Tests – keineswegs mysteriös in: DemoSCOPE News, Nr. 1, S. 5-6.
  • Meldau, S. (2007):  Kundenzufriedenheit messen – aber wie? Althergebrachte Zufriedenheitskonzepte berücksichtigen den Prozesscharakter der Leistungserstellung ungenügend in: DemoSCOPE News, Nr. 2, S. 5-6.
  • Meldau, S. (2007): Qualitätsmessung in Dienstleistungscentern. Konzeptualisierung und empirische Überprüfung am Beispiel eines Verkehrsflughafens, Wiesbaden.
  • Bruhn, M./Meldau, S. (2005): Measuring Service Quality in a Network Environment, in: Bitner, M.J. (Hrsg.): 14th Frontiers in Services Conference, Proceedings der Konferenz in Tempe, Arizona, USA, 7.-9. Oktober 2005, S. 106.
  • Bruhn, M./Meldau, S. (2004): Was ist eine Marke? in: Jahrbuch Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 50. Jg., Nr. 1.
  • Bruhn, M./Meldau, S.(2004): Begriffsabgrenzungen und Erscheinungsformen von Marken, in: Bruhn, M. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Markenführung.
  • Diverse Rezensionen (2001-2006) für die Zeitschrift „Die Unternehmung – Swiss Journal of Business Research an Practice“.

Leading involvement in publication projects of Prof. Dr. Manfred Bruhn on the topics of brand management, customer orientation, relationship marketing, customer relationship management and marketing services and network organizations. These include for example the following German and English book projects:

  • Bruhn, M. (2004): Handbuch Markenführung. Kompendium zum erfolgreichen Markenmanagement. Strategien – Instrumente – Erfahrungen, Band 1-3, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden.
  • Bruhn, M. (2003): Kundenorientierung. Bausteine für ein exzellentes Customer Relationship Management (CRM), 2. Aufl., München.
  • Bruhn, M. (2003): Relationship Marketing. Management of Customer Relationships, Harlow.
  • Bruhn, M./Homburg, Ch. (Hrsg.) (2004): Handbuch Kundenbindungsmanagement. Grundlagen, Konzepte, Erfahrungen, 4. Aufl., Wiesbaden.
  • Bruhn, M./Stauss, B. (2003): Dienstleistungsnetzwerke. Dienstleistungsmanagementjahrbuch 2003, Wiesbaden.